Policies We have no desire to overcomplicate things but sometimes we need to be clear how our Group operates, and by publishing these policies on our website it’s clear for all to see. Any policies and procedures we approve and implement are to enable us to work to The Scout Association’s rule-book: Policy, Organisation and Rules. Payment Policy Annual Subscriptions (“subs”) are due 3 times a year according to school term dates. Our membership fee is the same for every young person. We do not offer discounts for Leaders or other volunteers, and we do not offer sibling discounts. It is important to be aware that all involved in Scouting in Chew Stoke are unpaid volunteers, and it is not fair to make them have to chase for payment. A payment request will be made near the start of term by email: The email will advise of the amount, payment methods, and the date by which payment for that term should be made. We ask that you make payment promptly upon receipt of this email. Should you wish to discuss further options for payment we would urge you to contact us within 10 days of the payment becoming due – see below. If payment has not been made by the date stated in the email: An urgent request for payment will be issued by email, reminding parents of this Payment Policy and requesting payment be made by return. Requests for flexible payment terms will not be considered after 10 days of the payment becoming due. After Half Term: A final demand for payment will be issued asking for the subscription payment. If payment of subs is not up to date or an agreement is not in place for payment the following may apply: Members will not be permitted to move up to the next section Members will not be permitted to attend events outside the usual weekly sessions, or any events that ask for additional payment Members will not be permitted to undertake other activities eg Camping After End of Term: Failure to pay by the end of the school term from the due date may result in membership being suspended and the place offered to a young person on the group’s waiting list. Membership may be formally terminated in writing. Genuine Cases of Hardship As a charitable organisation, 1st Chew Stoke Scout Group will look sympathetically upon genuine cases of hardship. Requests for flexible payment terms can be made in confidence to the Membership Secretary (membership@chewstokescouts.org.uk), within 10 days of the payment becoming due. Flexible payment terms may be agreed on a case-by-case basis. Requests will be considered by the Group Scout Leader team with an answer given in 14 days unless further information is required. Why we need prompt payment of Subs Every Scout Group is required to pay The Scout Association’s “capitation” fee for each Beaver, Cub and Scout registered with the group at the time of the annual census. This payment is made in advance of each financial year, commencing on the 1st of April. On average, 1st Chew Stoke Scout Group pays the Scout Association almost £3,000 every year. Capitation covers professional support, insurance, training and activity programmes. Prompt payment of subs helps us to balance our budget, ensuring that the leader team has the resources needed throughout the year to provide the best possible range of activities and adventure for our young people. Expenses Policy (Draft) The guiding principle of our Expenses Policy is that no member of the Trustee Board, leaders or helpers should be expected to end up out of pocket through providing for our Group’s activities, gaining and maintaining mandatory qualifications, or participating in courses already sanctioned by the Trustees. These arrangements are based on the broad principle that the Group – which is funded primarily by its Members – will reimburse substantiated claims for out of pocket costs that a reasonable person would incur, having due regard for their role. When making purchases, every effort should be made to use the most cost effective option, and payment should not be made by cash unless absolutely necessary. The treasurer can be contacted via treasurer@chewstokescouts.org.uk. Types of Expense General expenses Leaders Each Section has a standing authority to purchase items of small value for the weekly activities they intend to run during a term. TheTrustee Board have agreed that each section can spend up to £100 per term without obtaining additional approval. This fund should not be used to purchase equipment or fund trips, camps, etc. This budget is the responsibility of the Leaders who should submit an expenses claim, together with VAT receipts, via OSM. Section Leaders may need to order badges for their members on a regular basis. Badges should be ordered through the District Badge Secretary, who will invoice the Treasurer directly. The cost falls outside the termly budget, and does not need specific approval from the Trustee Board. The Lead Volunteer may need to order neckers for their members or uniform for their leaders. These do not need specific approval from the Trustee Board. Trustee Board Members Occasionally, other members of the Board may need to spend small sums of money on items such as consumables, postage, etc. Providing the total expense is less than £20, no prior approval is required from the Trustee Board. However, an expenses claim must be completed and submitted for approval and payment, then overseen by the Trustee Board at their next meeting. Equipment & Services Larger expenditure, for example the purchase of equipment or services, must be approved by the Trustee Board prior to the expenditure. Under normal circumstances, prior agreement at a Trustee Board meeting is needed and recorded in the minutes. In exceptional circumstances, in the case of essential or replacement equipment, approval can be obtained via email with agreement from the Chair, Treasurer and Lead Volunteer (but must still be tabled at the next Trustee Board meeting.) Regular Group Expenses The Treasurer has the authority to raise cheques for the payment of the following items without having to request approval at a Trustee Board meeting: Venue Hire for regular meetings of each section Annual Insurance Renewals Capitation fees Payment of any Badge, Necker and Leader Uniform account invoices Travel Travel expenses must be agreed in advance by the Trustee Board. Costs incurred relating to travel to and from specially organised camps or training courses can be recovered by any Leader, Board Member or helper, so long as the journey is required as part of the organisation of the event, e.g. supplying equipment or acting as an adult helper. The policy will only cover the cost of fuel for private vehicles or in the case of public transport, tickets. No payments will be made in advance, and where applicable, all receipts must be submitted. When using your own vehicle it is your responsibility to ensure the vehicle is roadworthy, legal and covered by insurance. How To Claim Expense claims should be made on reasonably promptly, preferably on a termly basis. Claims can be made by adding a record to the termly “invoice” in OSM. For Section based expenses, the invoice should be raised in the relevant Section in OSM, while for Group expenses the “Adult Volunteers” area should be used. In the “Section Admin” menu, select the “Invoices” option Select the invoice for the current term (or create a new invoice for the current term if one doesn’t already exist) Click the “Add Record” button Add the relevant date, amount and description, and attach the receipt (a photo is acceptable) Click the “Save” button The Treasurer will refund expenses on a termly basis, so please ensure they have your payment details! If payment is needed promptly, please discuss with the Treasurer. Admittance and Moving Up Policy (Draft) Admittance Our Scout Group is popular, with most Sections currently oversubscribed. We therefore have an admittance policy to explain who we will invite to join the Group when spaces become available. The order of priority is this: Children of Section Leaders or Assistant Section Leaders (ie more than occasional helpers) or Exec Committee members Parents who are keen for their young people to start are very welcome to join the Leadership teams or, if there are roles available, the Exec Committee Existing Beavers or Cubs moving up to Cubs or Scouts Young people of the correct age who have been on the waiting list the longest. Young people may not join the waiting list before the age of 5, to try to keep the list details accurate Offers made to young people on the waiting list will include a date by which a response should be received. If no response is received after a follow up email, then the young person may be removed from the waiting list Moving Up Each Section (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) have an associated age range, with young people expected to move up through the Sections as they get older. The age ranges are as follows: Beavers: 6 – 8 years Cubs: 8 – 10.5 years Scouts: 10.5 – 14 years At 14 years of age, Scouts can join an Explorer Unit. These Units are run independently of Scout Groups – there are local Explorer Units in Clutton and Keynsham that we can put you in touch with if you are interested. Although the intention is that every young person should be able to move up into the next Section when they reach the correct age, this is dictated by the Section size. The Admittance policy above describes the priority in which places will be offered, and this means it is possible that a young person may not be able to move up into the Section above if there are no spaces. This is obviously far from ideal and the Group will do what it can to avoid this. Timing The default position is that each young person will move up to the Section above at the start of the following term after they reach the maximum age for their current Section eg if a Beaver will turn 8 in October then typically they would start in Cubs at the start of the following January term. Scout policies allow a 6 month leeway to let a young person to move up with a friend, if the timing works. So in the example above, the young person could remain at Beavers until Easter if that allowed them to move up with a friend whose birthday is in February. This policy is not intended to be used when a young person doesn’t feel ready to move despite being the correct age – parents should speak to their current Leaders if this is the case, and the Group will try to help them with the transition. This policy is also offered at the Group’s discretion – having many people delaying moving up can disrupt both Sections involved, and the Membership Secretary has to balance movement across the whole group while keeping within Section size limits. At the beginning of the term when the young person will reach the maximum age for their current Section, the Membership Secretary will contact the parents to explain the default position of moving up at the start of the following term, but also to offer them the option of delaying (if the 6 month leeway permits). The Membership Secretary will then agree a moving up date with the parents, possibly in discussion with Section Leaders, which will be entered into the Section Size Planning area on OSM (Members > Section Size Planning) so all Leaders can see the likely fluctuations in group size.