Online Scout Manager (OSM) A safe and secure tool for running Scouting online, as used by Scout Groups across the world In 1st Chew Stoke Scout Group we use a web system called Online Scout Manager (OSM). This is a safe and secure tool that allows us to store details of our programme alongside our young people’s details, allowing us a simple way to track their achievements and award badges. The system allows the Leaders and the Group to: Have a secure view to medical/dietary details where necessary, and immediate access to emergency contact information in case of an emergency Plan interesting and challenging sessions via an extensive database of activities Register attendance and track progress towards achieving badges Easily communicate with parents via the registered contact details Collect Gift Aid declarations Parent Portal Families have access to OSM via the Parent Portal, where you can: Update your young person’s personal data View the planned programme of activities and volunteer when additional parental help is required View your young person’s progress towards achieving their badges Register attendance for events outside weekly meetings eg camps Make payments for membership fees and for events You will be provided with a personalised link to create an account for the Parent Portal when your young person joins the group. Please contact us if you did not receive this.