Leadership Team

The Leadership Team is a dedicated group of adult volunteers whose aim is to provide Scouting to the young people of the Chew Valley.

Group Lead Volunteer (formally called Group Scout Leader)

Ian is the Group Lead Volunteer, assisted by Lee. They are responsible for managing and supporting the Scout Group.

Section Leadership Team

Each section has its own Leadership Team – see the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts pages for individual details.

Trustee Board

The Trustee Board are responsible for the management and governance of 1st Chew Stoke Scouts. We aim to have 5 Trustees.


Rachel is our Group Chair. She manages the non-Scouting side of the group, the stuff that goes on behind the scenes.


Our treasurer is John. He manages the finances of the group, including keeping track of payments and producing the annual reports.

Group Lead Volunteer

The GLV is automatically a Trustee and a member of the Trustee Board.

Parent/Community Representatives

These roles are currently vacant. We would love to have representatives from parents and from the community, as it’s important to hear different voices.

Operations Team

The Operations Team are the volunteers who support the operational running of 1st Chew Stoke Scouts behind the scenes.


Jenny is our Secretary. The Secretary manages the admin for the group, including hall bookings and meeting admin.

Membership Secretary

Claire is our Membership Secretary. She manages the membership list and juggles the space in the different sections with the members who wish to attend.


Liz has taken on this role. Her aim is to coordinate fund raising activities, including applications for external funding, as well as identifying opportunities to participate in community based activities.